Kabbalat Shabbat
Friday evenings at 6:30 pm
In Person or on Zoom
"Welcoming the Sabbath" is our service for Friday evening. It begins each week at 6:30 pm, and is followed by an Oneg (literally, "the joy of Shabbat," but idiomatically, "good food and conversation"). Typically, our Kabbalat Shabbat service is a participatory celebration: the music is both contemporary and traditional, and the teachings explore how ancient texts apply to modern life and challenges. The service may feature folk music, rock music with our very own rock band, Dahg or a more traditional Reform service. Zoom links are in the calendar. Passwords are available by calling the Temple Administrator at 802.862.5125.
Read more about Friday Evening Services
Shabbat Morning Service (Shacharit)
Saturday mornings at 9:30 am
In Person or on Zoom
Our Shabbat Morning Service is an intimate service, chanted mostly in Hebrew and lasts one hour. We pray the morning service from Mishkan T'filah, the prayer book of the Reform Movement. As with all services at Temple, music and spirit are our touchstones. Zoom links are in the calendar. Passwords are available by calling the Temple Administrator at 802.862.5125.
Read more about Saturday Morning Services
Torah Study
Saturday mornings at 10:30
In Person or on Zoom
Together through discussion, we explore the week’s Torah portion and its meaning in our modern lives, using both traditional and modern scholarly sources. Here, we have a chance to really dig into how to find new meanings and relevance in this ancient text. . Zoom links are in the calendar. Passwords are available by calling the Temple Administrator at 802.862.5125.
Young Families Shabbat
Our Young Families Coordinator, Aimee Hutton, leads a kid-friendly service with singing, dancing, playful Torah stories, followed by kiddish, challah, schmoozing! A joyful way to connect with family and community and celebrate Shabbat! 1st Saturday of each month, 10:30-11:15 AM (but always check the calendar for last-minute schedule changes)
Havdalah is a Hebrew word that means “separation” and is the ritual that ends Shabbat, separating it from the start of the new week. A beautiful brief ceremony, Havdalah uses four elements to mark the moment as we say goodbye to the beauty of Shabbat and pledge to carry its gifts into the week to come. Please check the Calendar for dates and times of our occasional Havdalah services.
Young Families Havdalah
Aimee Hutton leads us in our monthly Young Families Havdalah celebration! We’ll sing, dance, do crafts, tell our favorite tales, celebrate current holidays, & say goodbye to Shabbat with a kid-friendly Havdalah and a pot-luck nosh. Please bring a dish to share. 3rd Saturday of each month, 4:00-6:00 PM (but always check the calendar for last-minute schedule changes)