An Amazing Year at Religious School

I cannot believe that the end of the Religious School year has come. As I stepped into the role of Interim Education Director, I could not have imagined that the year would fly by so quickly. After 29 weeks of class over 9 months so much has happened! To give you a sense of some of what we experienced, I give you (in homage to the Harper’s Index):


The Temple Sinai Religious School Index

May 2022


Percentage of students enrolled this year from previous year: >200%

Lead Teachers over course of entire year: 12

UVM Hillel students working as Co-Teachers: 3

Number of high school/college Students working in school for credit: 2

Volunteers who helped paint the Religious School hallway: 8

Number of classes scheduled for the school year: 29

Classes held in person: 23

Classes held online due to COVID: 3

Snow days: 1

Number of days school was cancelled outright due to COVID: 2 

Elective classes held in the first part of the year to connect students across grades: 7

Number of grade level classes: 6

Siddurim distributed to students to use as textbooks in class: 37

Languages sung in assembly: 3 (English, Hebrew, American Sign Language)

Amount donated from Religious School tzedakah: $225.86

B’nei Mitzvot scheduled so far for 2022: 9

Plays preformed: 3

Songs sung: SO many

Art projects completed: Dozens

Shacharit Prayers learned: 15+

Cookbooks created: 1

Students recognized as Mensch-of-the-Week: 30

Student behavior issues: 0

Gratitude for our community: Infinite


Want to join in the fun next year?

Registration is now open: 





Struggling with the Hatred